iKern is a system designed to make spacing and kerning different: rational, fast and economical.
I'm Igino Marini, I live in Italy, and I am an engineer.
In the 2000s, I became interested in fonts by digitising the Fell Types. iKern started precisely to automate the letter-fitting of those typefaces. But it soon became a project on its own.
Not very different from my previous career in structural analysis and robotics: using maths not just as a tool but as a language.
Today iKern is a service for type designers and font companies. It allows to free up resources and to optimise time, without compromising on quality. Since 2008, hundreds of customers trusted iKern, including:
A2-Type, Studio René Bieder, Canada Type, Cape Arcona Type Foundry, CAST Type Foundry, Cinetype, Darden Studio, Dinamo, Displaay Type Foundry, Emtype Foundry, Exljbris Font Foundry, Google, HvD Fonts, Latinotype, Martin Majoor Type Design, MVB Fonts, NaN, Newlyn, Optimo, Production Type, Sharp Type, Supertype, Swiss Typefaces, TypeMates, Typotheque.
Since 2014, the electricity to power the computers on which iKern runs is supplied by the sun via a roof’s photovoltaic system.

Igino Marini at work

Igino Marini
via Matteotti, 25
60027 Osimo (AN)

VAT ID IT02426730426


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This site contains images of typefaces from Exljbris Font Foundry, HvD Fonts and Typonine.